Press Sample: Polish Molish I’m already 18 and Racketeers

I received two polishes from Polish Molish for swatch and review which are: I am already 18 and Racketeers. They are amazing polishes, blue crelly with different confetti glitters and a black holographic polish with mixed size glitters.

Polish Molish is a Russian nail polish brand. I believe I first saw the brand on Polish Pick Up if not mistaken and I have a varnish of them that I bought prior to receiving them. I really like both formulas and I had no problems applying them. I hope you enjoy my swatches.

Polish Molish I’m already 18

I used three coats of this polish and I love the base colour (I am weak for any type of blue). It was very easy to apply. If you want more of the confetti sized glitter in the polish I suggest leaving the polish bottle turned upside down for the day or even in general so you will have easy access to the glitters on your nails. It does dry semi matte and textured and I did use a layer or two of topcoat. I certainly do not have anything like it neither have I seen a polish quite like this before. It’s like a party on my nails.


This is a polish with a black base and different sized holographic glitters. I did two and a half coat of the polish meaning that my second coat was a bit of a thicker layer than the previous one and I did two coats of a glossy top coat. It dries semi matte on it’s own so a topcoat is required for the glossy look. I suggest a glitter grabber or to double down on your top coat for a beautiful glossy finish like captured on my swatch photos!

These polishes will be available on their stockist websites which you can find here:

For those living in Europe (or the Netherlands specifically like I do), Rainbow Connection and Hypnotic Polish are where you can them the closest besides ordering them from Russia directly. Both websites are linked on their stockist link above!

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